Since finishing my first manuscript, I've come to realize how many people it takes to make a book successful. If you've ever wanted to be part of the process, I'd love to have you on my team of volunteers. Use the contact form and let me know if you'd like to join me.
Ways to get involved:
Advanced Reader (ARC)
Advanced readers get an electronic copy of the book before it releases AT NO COST. All I ask is that you read the book in a timely manner and post a review if you feel so inclined (I will insert a pretty please here). That's it! Read it and review it. Though if you want to go the extra mile, I love when my ARC readers send me any errors they caught as they read. It is amazing how many mistakes make it through countless rounds of edits with lots of different people, so every additional set of eyes makes the book that much better.
Street Team
If you have a social media platform, or are simply willing to read, review, and share one of my books with your friends/followers, I'd love to have you on my street team. You will receive an advanced copy/free copy of my book and can request to receive extra copies (typically digital) for giveaways if desired.